CBD vs THC - How do these two cannabinoids effect us?
Some interesting findings from some recent (2022) Kings College research challenging the popular belief that using cannabis that contains higher levels of CBD, may protect the user from psychotic experiences and memory problems associated with THC.
The research, outlined in an article published in Neuropsychopharmacology entitled 'Does CBD reduce the negative effects of THC?' challenges the commonly held belief that CBD may reduce the negative effects of THC in cannabis, despite previous studies suggesting otherwise. This is an ongoing topic of interest, and we hear at CBD Bud shop from customers who sit on both sides of the discussion. It's a particularly interesting area given right now many politicians and decision makers are exploring policies around regulation / limits on cannabinoid levels, including the psychological implications, and effect on the black market, ie; in Germany.
The Study:
46 healthy volunteers took part in a randomised, double-blind trial, inhaling cannabis vapour containing 10mg of THC and a differing level of CBD (0mg, 10mg, 20mg, or 30mg), their cognitive ability was tested, they then completed a series of tasks, questionnaires and interviews designed to measure the effect on their cognitive abilities, severity of psychotic symptoms, and level of perceived pleasure.
The same research team previously found (here) that pre-emptively taking a high dose of CBD in a capsule a few hours before using cannabis may reduce the adverse effects of THC.
It's important to examine all the evidence, in an un-biased and open minded manner, this study contradicts previous studies, and a common perception amongst patients that effects of CBD can counteract those of THC. Given that this was a new study, over a small sample size (46), more studies and larger scale studies of this nature are needed for us to increase our understanding of THC vs CBD, 'the entourage effect', and that examine how various cannabinoids within the plant work together under different conditions, and how they effect people differently. As the industry continues to grow, more research is happening and we'll try to keep you abreast of some of the new and interesting studies that address these kind of topics, and further our understanding.